I am a web developer with my experience in most frontend frameworks (but especially Polymer and Vue). As firm believer in Open Source, I have contributed to both the Brave browser and the Polymer project. Check out some of my work on Github!
It would be remiss to not mention my near-relgious devotion to everything NC State, Philadelphia Philly related, and the Detroit Lions. Along with my obnoxious fandom, I spend a lot of my free time playing softball, golfing, or fishing.
As a child, and a sci-fi devotee, I had always dreamed of teaching machines to think. I am currently pursuing that dream at Georgia Tech, in a Masters of Computer Sciene program with a focus in Machine Learning and Interactive Intelligence.
-Arthur C. Clarke
My journey began in a small town very similar to the ones you hear about in country songs - Bunn, NC. As a proud graduate of Bunn High School, I moved on to attend NC State majoring in computer science with a minor in economics. I'm currently working as a web developer and in grad school part time, pursing a Masters in Computer Science from Georgia Tech. I reside in Holly Springs, NC where I spend my time playing "Chuck-It!" with my dog, drinking beer, and doing everything I can to get on the nerves of my fiance. Oh, and playing around with the latest tech.
-Mark Zuckerberg