I'm Dylan.

Web developer. Sports enthusiast. Machine Learning student.

Google I/O


Web Development

I am a web developer with my experience in most frontend frameworks (but especially Polymer and Vue). As firm believer in Open Source, I have contributed to both the Brave browser and the Polymer project. Check out some of my work on Github!



It would be remiss to not mention my near-relgious devotion to everything NC State, Philadelphia Philly related, and the Detroit Lions. Along with my obnoxious fandom, I spend a lot of my free time playing softball, golfing, or fishing.



As a child, and a sci-fi devotee, I had always dreamed of teaching machines to think. I am currently pursuing that dream at Georgia Tech, in a Masters of Computer Sciene program with a focus in Machine Learning and Interactive Intelligence.

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."

-Arthur C. Clarke

Dylan and Rel

Quick Blurb!

My journey began in a small town very similar to the ones you hear about in country songs - Bunn, NC. As a proud graduate of Bunn High School, I moved on to attend NC State majoring in computer science with a minor in economics. I'm currently working as a web developer and in grad school part time, pursing a Masters in Computer Science from Georgia Tech. I reside in Holly Springs, NC where I spend my time playing "Chuck-It!" with my dog, drinking beer, and doing everything I can to get on the nerves of my fiance. Oh, and playing around with the latest tech.

"Move fast and break things. Unless you are breaking stuff, you aren't moving fast enough"

-Mark Zuckerberg

Finley - my pup